It's your money, send it smart with MoneyDart
We help you move money, from the US to hundreds of countries.
Fast, easy, and secure.
Trusted by 200+ companies in the US
Why MoneyDart?
Our business is guided by the deep understanding of customer aspirations. We have technology with a human touch, products which meet everyday needs, and services which delivers lasting value.
Services which gives lasting satisfaction
Through time-tested processes, powered by a global support network
Technology with a human touch
Through our global network of offices
About us
Moneydart Global Services Inc. is one of the largest US-based money remittance companies founded in 1996. Moneydart was acquired by WizzFinancial US LLC on March 31, 2023.
Moneydart is a leading global remittance, foreign exchange and payment solutions company. Under the WizzFinancial group Moneydart offers multiple financial solutions to millions of customers and operates in some of the world’s dynamic markets and strives to offer its customers a wide range of financial products and solutions.